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Viewing most recent comments 121 to 132 of 132 · Previous page · First page new update here!!

any idea when next update will be

An update just came out. So... 4-6 weeks?

here pro

Hey just finished playing the 0.07, pretty nice actually, hope to see the next update to the storie soon. Keep up the good work.

Got to wondering why there wasn't any incest planned for the game... Than I read the relationships between each character. There isn't any true blood relations here.


Just finish the free version, very good overall, loved the writing, the story is excellent. Didn't like the fact that you have to wait 'till the end for "sexy time" so just let me say that you get blue balled to death. will keep my eye on this one is very promising. animations are good need improvement but way better than most visual novels I've seen. this one is defenetly worth to patreon. I do support good content creators.

Thank you.

Hey there, great game and looks amazing, anyone know when next update will be here? hope soon. thanx 

I'll have the next free version up on Friday.

Thanx looking forward to it :)

Do u mean yesterday or the Friday coming up?

Was the Friday coming up, now it's yesterday.

(1 edit) (+2)

loved the game thank you, cant wait for more

Hey love the game! I was just wondering when the next update is scheduled for?

Probably around the beginning of Nov.

I've just downloaded the 0.06 but my saved game from 0.05 isn't in the save files, how do I load my previous saved game?


I kept fudging up the saves with each release. Totally my fault. With 0.06 I changed how the game saves were done. I also made changes to the previous code with how choices were done. Sorry but previous save will not work.  

The good news is the changes I made to the saves have been fine as of 0.08.

The game looks good
It is worth being adopted daughter and not daughter, or step sis and not sis


While the dev may not officially support it I can verify for those interested that there is a Linux version that gets downloaded with the Windows version of the game and it runs fine for me so far. Just have to run the .sh file.

Looks interesting, will wait for more content :)

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